2017 Manufacturing Trends: Employee Retention Strategies

Author: di_admin
Category: blog, Manufacturing
2017 Manufacturing Trends > Effective Employee Retention

In this article series, we have focused on some of the major trends that the manufacturing sector is expected to see for the rest of 2017. From the increase of digitization to sustainability trends, the manufacturing industry is a dynamic and fluctuating one. In this last installment, we’re going to cover the retention strategies that this industry is implementing. As finding qualified manufacturing talent has been a challenge for the last few years, new techniques are being implemented to attract a wider demographic and drive interest in the industry. Before reading on, secure your operation and address your insurance needs with a New Mexico Manufacturing Insurance package.

Ask what the employees need.

Sounds simple enough, but listening to your employees and their expectations can give you an edge over your competition. Do they need more time off? Flexible work hours? Benefits? Perks? Talk with your employees and be realistic about what you can offer them given your resources and income.

Be transparent.

Don’t keep employees guessing! Instead, tell the truth about what’s happening with the factory and explain the moves you’re making to improve business conditions. Then, solicit feedback and consider all of it. Employees that feel heard are more likely to be engaged. They’re also more likely to wait patiently for benefits, bonuses, and other perks to return, says Industry Week.

Recognize a job well done.

More often than not, employers only recognize mistakes or when employees need a little more guidance. However, changing the attitude from correctional to appreciative can improve morale significantly. In fact, it’s been shown that managers who acknowledge a job well done are more likely to have employees who are better at customer service, productivity, and engagement.


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