Step to Success for Real Estate Agents

Author: di_admin

As a real estate professional, there is no shortage of advice that you’ve heard throughout your career about how to be successful. From applications to practices and procedures, there is a lot to keep in mind when building your real estate practice. In addition to protecting yourself with a comprehensive NM Real Estate Professional Liability Insurance policy, here are four foolproof recommendations straight from the pros.

Work for the right real estate office.

Ensure the firm covers listing advertisements, is a reputable company, offers a solid commission rate, and that they are in good financial standing and carry the proper insurance to protect both you and the firm.

Price it right.

According to RIS Media, one of the key factors of successful real estate practices is understanding the market and how to set prices accordingly. View comparable homes in the area and determine a fair market asking price.

Build your reputation.

Ask for referrals and reviews to build your name within your real estate community. As potential clients often look at online reviews and your social media presence, work on building both. However, never underestimate the power of word of mouth by trusted clients, as well.


Whether it’s bad news on a home your clients wish to purchase, less than ideal terms which the seller insists on, or there is important news you must share with your clients, do so promptly and honestly. While not all communication is going to be the best news, sharing it is imperative to minimize liability claims and to keep your firm and yourself out of hot water.

About Daniels Insurance

At Daniels Insurance, Inc., we specialize in protecting professionals like you. Our policies are specially crafted to protect against the various exposures you may face. For more information about our products, contact our experts today at (855) 565-7616.