Spring Cleaning for Every Homeowner

Author: di_admin

Warmer days are coming, the birds are chirping for longer than usual, and the sun is out for more hours. For some, spring cleaning is an annual tradition to celebrate the sunny days ahead. However, it does serve its purposes. Besides being protected by your home insurance, spring cleaning is a great way to keep the risk of getting any damages to your house at an all-time low.

In this article we will talk about the importance of spring cleaning as well as share the best tips for a fun, productive spring cleaning session!

What is the Importance of Spring Cleaning?

Experts have said that doing spring cleaning poses a lot of health benefits. Aside from making your home neat and tidy, a clean home can strengthen your immune system and help avoid you from catching any sickness or illness. Another importance is that a decluttered home can lessen stress and tension, even lower depression levels.

When you clean and organize your own space–especially the places you spend most of your time in, it can keep your immune system strong, and have positive effects on your mood.

Nobody likes the sight of dust, mold, and mildew, so getting rid of these irritants can eliminate any potential health risk. When the house isn’t clean, it becomes a hotspot for pollutants, and you wouldn’t want that, right?

Another reason why spring cleaning is important is because doing so reduces the risk of getting an injury. If your house is messy and disorganized, stuff everywhere, this can be a hazard to anyone, they can easily trip on a loose wire or step on a sharp object. A clean home prevents slips, bumps, trips, and falls. Remove any obstacles such as shoes, backpacks, boxes, and the like, and clearing the path can lessen the chance of an accident happening.

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide

Here are some of the best tips YOU need to be following in order to get your whole house clean without spending a lot of time and money doing it.

Plan ahead

Before you gather all the cleaning supplies and wear your cleaning outfit, you need to establish a plan first. How are you going to start your spring cleaning session if you don’t know exactly where to begin? Going to war without a plan can lead to failure. You may get frustrated and feel disorganized throughout the process which eliminates the fun of spring cleaning.

Declutter and Organize

No spring cleaning is complete without any reorganization and decluttering happening. Take a look at your items in your home and assess which ones haven’t been used within the past months–it’s most likely that you aren’t going to use these at all and they’re just junk waiting to be tossed. Get rid of the clutter by donating it to friends and family, or through your local thrift shop or charity. Having less clutter means more space in your mind to think. Living a cluttered lifestyle can induce stress and anxiety since you have so much stuff you don’t know where to store in.

Clean Room by Room

This is in conjunction with having a plan. If one moment you’re cleaning your kitchen then all of a sudden you go inside your room to vacuum your carpet, then you may never get to finish your spring cleaning in time. Cleaning your house room by room is the most efficient way of getting the job done, creating checklists for each room can help things remain organized so that you’re able to accomplish everything.

Here are some noteworthy things you need to keep in mind in each room:

The Bedrooms.

  • For each drawer: remove items, dust, replace drawer liner, organize items and return nicely to their dedicated spaces.
  • Donate items you no longer use.
  • Launder bedding in hot water.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on uncovered mattress, wait, and vacuum.
  • Air out mattress pad.
  • Vacuum under bed and behind the dressers.
  • Clean out closets.

The Bathrooms.

  • Scrub mirror with glass cleaner.
  • Remove all items from vanity and scrub insides with detergent.
  • Replace items back in vanity in an organized fashion and discard expired medicines and products.
  • Clean toilet bowl
  • Remove lid and set from toilet to scrub around seat bolts.
  • Spray anti-mold cleaning agent on shower doors and walls.
  • Wax bathtub.
  • Shine faucets.
  • Dust vent covers.
  • Clear sink and shower drain.
  • Clean window sills.
  • Sweep and mop floors.
  • Wash towels and bathmat in hot water.

The Kitchen.

  • Remove the contents of every cabinet and drawer. Wipe down both the inside and outside of each space with detergent and a warm cloth. Organize and replace items back in their designated spaces.
  • Sharpen knives.
  • Deep clean cutting boards.
  • Remove crumbs from the toaster.
  • Clean microwave and stove.
  • Shine silverware
  • Dust any displayed china.
  • Dust light fixtures, blinds, ceiling fans, and window sills.
  • Scrub the stove.
  • Sweep and mop floors.
  • Wipe down counters
  • De-grease backsplash
  • Shine faucet, sink, and clean the drain.
  • Reseal grout if necessary.

The Laundry Room.

  • Clean behind the washer and dryer.
  • Deep clean lint traps in the washer and dryer.

The Basement.

  • Declutter shelves and storage areas, toss anything that’s expired or no longer needed.

The Entryway.

  • Wipe down doors, knobs and switch plates with a disinfectant wipe or spray.
  • Shake the entry mat, or consider replacing it altogether if its old.
  • Sweep and wash the floors.

The Garage.

  • Declutter and throw out any items that are broken beyond repair and donate items that you no longer need.

Have the Entire Household Involved

You can make spring cleaning fun when you get the entire household involved! Make this activity an entertaining group effort, assign age-appropriate tasks for your kids so that you’re able to finish your tasks at a much quicker pace. This saves time and creates a lot of fun memories!

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